Providing insight and awareness into the true nature of un-resolving pain

Training professionals to better serve people in pain

Consulting pain programs and facilities to provide pain recovery services

Coaching individuals toward understanding and unlocking their complicated pain

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About Jerry Lerner, MD


After initially exploring theatre and music composition in college, and following a year of study in music therapy, I became determined to pursue a career in medicine. From the very beginning of medical training I believed in the need for a holistic, integrative approach to healing, and this is reflected in my diverse studies and interests—from conventional medicine to alternative approaches; from medication to food and supplements; from surgical and interventional care to gentle, “hands-on” therapies; from psychology to life coaching; from addiction treatment to wellness lifestyles; from anthropology to philosophy.

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I was totally without hope. After three years of severe pain I was depressed, anxious, isolated and suffering from insomnia. Within a few weeks of working with you my pain decreased significantly and I was able to change my pain medication. Your classes I learned how to manage my pain. I no longer experience insomnia, depression or anxiety. Now I am nearly pain free.
(name unknown)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between pain treatment and complicated pain recovery?

Pain treatment requires a specific medical or therapeutic expertise to address specific painful conditions. Complicated pain recovery is an educational and coaching model that starts with the premise that unresolving pain is more treatable than currently presumed, and focuses on untangling and resolution of complicating factors that interfere with the natural recovery from painful conditions.

How do you distinguish between chronic pain and complicated pain?

The Word chronic implies an unresolvable disease process with a downward course. The phrase chronic pain provides no insight as to why the pain persists.

The word complicated indicates that there are multiple interactive factors.

The phrase “complicated pain” infers that there are multiple factors which are holding the person in pain and that identifying and addressing those factors can lead to an improvement or resolution.

I want to become a Complicated Pain Recovery Coach. Do I need to have specific expertise regarding various painful conditions?

No. A Complicated Pain Recovery™ Coach provides education and coaching regarding the nature of unresolved pain, helps individuals struggling with pain to identify the active complicating factors that interfere with getting better, and helps an individual to put into place a recovery program. A Complicated Pain Recovery Coach will have the ability to identify when an individual in pain requires more specific medical or therapeutic intervention to deal with one or more of the complicating factors effectively.

Featured Blog Posts

Fight or Flight and Complicated Pain

Fight or flight is an amazing and marvelous survival mechanism that has allowed human beings to flourish since we first walked the earth. It was designed to activate in the presence of physical … Continue Reading »

Core Principles for Complicated Pain Recovery

I have had the pleasure of explaining and teaching the tenets of complicated pain to many hundreds of professionals as patients. It can often take hours or days to grasp the totality of the model. … Continue Reading »

Complicated Pain Recovery™ to Begin Training and Certification

Hi. This is Jerry Lerner, developer of the Complicated Pain RecoveryTM treatment model. I've been working on this since the early 1990s and putting it into practice in a variety of outpatient and … Continue Reading »


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