Pain Recovery Medical Care or Coaching with Jerry Lerner, MD

What is Complicated Pain?

The vast majority of pain conditions improve or resolve with time and appropriate care – what Dr. Lerner calls ‘simple pain.’ When pain fails to get better, this usually indicates that there are complicating factors interfering with natural healing. Dr. Lerner coined the term ‘complicated pain’ in the 1990’s to describe factors which need to be identified and addressed in order for complicated pain to improve and heal.

What is Pain Recovery?

Complicated Pain Recovery™ is a coaching model developed by Dr. Lerner based on 30+ years of helping people with pain. While pain treatment focuses on what an expert can do to you, pain recovery addresses the strategies, practices and tools you apply for yourself to reduce pain and suffering and enhance your comfort and well-being.

Medical Care Available in Tucson, AZ

Dr. Lerner is available for in person consultation and care in the Tucson area for indivuals committed to an integrative approach to pain recovery. His emphasisi is on identifying and addressing  active complicating factors which interfere with healing and recovery. Non-opiate medication and trigger point injections at times may be considered in addition to integrative strategies as a bridge toward natural solutions.

Initial phone visit (15 min) always free.

Individual Coaching Sessions Available Nationally

One-to-one coaching sessions available by phone, Skype or FaceTime to address specific or comprehensive challenges or concerns. Topics may include:

  • Exercise strategies
  • Nutrition and supplements
  • Inflammation
  • Stress reduction
  • Trauma/PTSD
  • Grief and loss
  • Mindfulness
  • Brain training
  • Medications
  • Addiction
  • Negative thinking
  • Goals/vision

In this setting Dr. Lerner is here as your pain recovery coach and is not here to diagnose, prescribe or treat you.

To schedule your free initial phone visit, contact and introduce yourself by email. 


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